Basilica of Bom Jesus

Basilica of Bom Jesus is located in Goa and it is a part of the Churches and conventsof Goa UNESCO world heritage site. The Basilica holds the mortal remains of St.Francis Xavier. The church is located in Old  Goa which is the early capital of Portuguese rules. It contains the body of St. Francis Xavier. The body of St. Francis Xavier was first taken to Portuguese Malacca and two years later shipped back to Goa. It is said that the saint's body was fresh as the day it was buried. The remains of the saint still attract a huge number of tourists from all over the world especially during the public viewing of his body every ten years.

 The floor is of marble inlaidwith precious stones. The main alters holds a large status of St. Ignatius of Loyola the founder of the society of Jesus and one of Francis Xavier's companions whose words drew him to a reformed life.


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